Tuesday 24 February
Opening of victim assistance workshop- Mrs Nora Orozco Chamorro, Vice Minister of Health, Republic of Nicaragua
- Mr Carl Case, Director, Office of Humanitarian Mine Action, OAS / OEA
- Mr Kerry Brinkert, Director, AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit
Introductory remarks by the workshop chairperson- Dr Carlos Jarquín González, Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health, Republic of Nicaragua
Challenges and lessons learned in assisting mine survivors and other persons with disabilities- Overview - Ms Sheree Bailey, Victim Assistance Specialist, AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit
- Perspectives of survivors - Mr Jesús Martinez
Emergency and continuing medical care, community-based rehabilitation, and other mechanisms
Presentations by States on their experiences - Nicaragua – Emergency and continuing medical care – Dr Reynaldo Sandino, National Army
- Nicaragua – CBR – Mr Hector Collado, Ministry of Health
- Colombia – Ms Hilda Fierro Valencia, Adviser on Victim Assistance, Presidential Programme on Mine Action
Physical rehabilitation- Overview of issue - Mr Peter Poetsma, Head of ICRC Special Fund for the Disabled Regional Office for Latin America
Presentations by States on experiences in providing physical rehabilitation- Colombia – Ms Novis Jiménez Mora, General Director, REI Foundation
- El Salvador – Dr José Rolando Martínez, Director, Salvadoran Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Disabled
- El Salvador – Ms Nora Centeno de Bell, Fund for Protection of the Disabled and Wounded as a Result of the Armed Conflict
- Peru – Dr Juan Guillen Cabrejos, Director General, National Institute of Rehabilitation
- Nicaragua – Dr Carlos Jarquin González, Director General of Health Services, Ministry of Health
Economic empowerment- Overview of issue - Ms Wanda Muñoz, Handicap International
Presentations by States on their experiences in implementing economic empowerment activities- Nicaragua – Mr. Marina Peña Rodriguez, Director of Special Programmes, INATEC
The Second Review Conference and beyond: victim assistance priorities for the region - Overview - Ms Sheree Bailey, Implementation Support Unit, on behalf of the Co-Chairs of the Standing Committee on Victim Assistance and Socio-Economic Reintegration
- Views of the ICBL – Mr Jesús Martinez
Legislation and public policies and the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities- Overview of issue - Ms Christel Kristensen, United Nations
Presentations by States on their experiences in implementing the CRPD and other actions to address the rights and needs of persons with disabilities- Nicaragua – Dr Guillermo Gosenbruch, Ministry of Health
- El Salvador – Ms Lourdes Barrera de Morales, Executive Director, National Council for Comprehensive Attention to Persons with Disability (CONAIPD)
- Peru – Mr Guillermo Cesar Vega Espejo, President, National Council for the Integration of Persons with Disabilities (CONADIS), Ministry of Women and Social Development
Main workshop | Assisting the victims- Understanding Victim Assistance in the Context of the AP Mine Ban Convention - Ms Sheree Bailey, Victim Assistance Specialist, AP Mine Ban Convention Implementation Support Unit
- Presentations by OAS Member States on their efforts to assist survivors
Thursday 26 February
Visit to the National Centre for Technical Assistance and Orthoprosthetics (CENAPRORTO)
Visit to IPADE – OAS and INATEC (National Technical Training Institute) programme for social and economic reintegration of survivors